‘Technology’ Category

Education, Reflection, Soften the Fck Up, Technology

The Year That Was 2012

I used to write these reflective posts every end of the year and it was a great way for me to reflect on how much I’ve learned, unlearned and relearned since the previous years. Then I stopped 2 years ago, because I just got lazy, so here’s an attempt to do them again. 2012 kicked arse. It’s madness, I tell [...]

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Social Change, Social Innovation, Technology

And 54 hours later…

I came out of Startup Weekend, feeling exhausted and just slightly insane.

Going in, I wasn’t sure what to expect of the weekend, and from the pitches, it was clear that there were quite a large number of tech genius in the crowd so I might feel a little out of place but it was all good in the end. I was hoping to hear more ideas more in the social innovation space but was slightly disappointed that most of them were only ideas that we want, not need.

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Social Innovation, Technology

Online Volunteering: It’s not about the technology, its how you use it

International Volunteering Day Symposium 2010: Online Volunteering View more presentations from Ehon Chan. I was asked to speak at the International Volunteering Day Symposium 2010 eons ago (well, about a month ago) by the Department of Communities on Online Volunteering, and here’s just a quick summary of my spill. I found it challenging to first of all define what “online [...]

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All that Twitters is not Gold

I gave this 10 minutes spill at Politics in the Pub at the Brisbane Powerhouse organised by the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre on the 22nd of July, at 7.00pm. Before I begin, I think I need to make it clear that social media and social networking sites mean two different things, although in some cases, the line between them aren’t [...]

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Politics in the Pub: All that Twitters is not Gold

‘For Immediate Release’ ‘All That Twitters is Not Gold’ The New Farm Neighbourhood Centre’s next ‘Politics in the Pub at the Powerhouse’ is about the good and bad of online social networking. While online services like Twitter, Facebook, Bebo and Myspace are great tools for getting the message out they also have a dark side. The New Farm Neighbourhood Centre [...]

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Education, Social Innovation, Technology

Technology: Bridging the Gaps

I presented this as a keynote at the recent 12th Asia Pacific Student Services Association (APSSA) Conference at Queensland University of Technology on the 9th of July 2010. The following is a shorten version of the 45 minutes presentation. The challenge with this presentation was that there wasn’t a common interest amongst the delegates and there were delegates from all [...]

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Befriending My Mum on Facebook

Last month, an 18 year old teenager was murdered after making contact with a stranger. The blame was flying all over the place with some blaming Facebook’s privacy, the parents and others blaming the Government for lack of education and control over the cyberspace. What became slightly absurd to me was when the news broke, news stations were having “internet [...]

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Social Change, Social Innovation, Technology

Harnessing Interconnectedness to Bridge Gaps in Social Innovation

At the end of last year, I got an email from Sarah Moran about a competition on Facebook organised by V Australia. When I clicked on it, the app asked me if I allow them to access my Facebook info and not wanting to risk it without reading much into their privacy terms, I decided to ditch the idea. A [...]

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Happy Birthday, Beth

I have always been very fascinated by the potential of technology in improving lives but have never really looked into it, other than through my work with the Inspire Foundation, which uses information communication technology to improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people. I remember first entering the non-profit technology circle and attended my first official event – [...]

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Education, Technology

The Digital Realm: From Stable to Chaos

On Monday, I had the pleasure to attend a lecture on connected learning and the power of social networks by Professor George Siemens (@gsiemens), one of the founders of the idea of connectivism. George is a professor at the Athabasca University in Canada, a member of the Technology Enhanced Knowledge Research Institute (TEKRI) and the author of Knowing Knowledge. George [...]

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Social Innovation, Technology

Mobile Internet to Reach 1 Billion Users

Nathaniel recently did a recap of his prediction for social entrepreneurship 2009. I have written about measuring social impact, and one of the other predictions he had is the development of mobile technology. There has been a number of predictions about mobile internet lately. The IDC predicted that mobile internet users will increase by up to over 1 billion by [...]

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